
Zájezd na Eternal Hate Fest z Plzně !!

09.06.2016 21:41
Zájezd na Eternal Hate Fest z Plzně pořádá agentura Ozzy a Potkan.Zájezd si již můžete zaplatit zde- Mapové centrum, Martinská 4, Plzeň , po - pá 7 - 18, so - 9 - 12

STURMGLANZ Black Metal Manufactur !!

09.06.2016 21:36
Info about EHF on STURMGLANZ Black Metal Manufactur !! Thanks a lot.

New poster with new band and partner !!

04.06.2016 13:31
Achtung!! Band AGHOR canceled his show on EHF-the reason is termination of activities. New band is confirmed-SÖJARUUN (Estonia-Pagan Black Metal). Z důvodů ukončení činosti nevystoupí na EHF kapela AGHOR.Jako náhrada je potvrzen SÖJARUUN z Estonska. New partner is Festcamper !!

Support on Bes Webzine !!

19.03.2016 21:12
Podpora na Bes Webzine!! Díky.

Final poster-Eternal Hate Fest vol.14-16.07.2016

15.02.2016 16:24
Final Poster-Eternal Hate Fest vol.14 !! Vstupné 430 Kč / Ticket price 17 EU. Ticket price include eko fee !! Ticket will be possible buy only at the door. Camping and parking in the festival area is for FREE. The enter is possible pay in EU. In the area is better pay in Czech Crown(CZK).MONEY can...

New merch SEKHMET !!

07.02.2016 10:07
Nový merch SEKHMET 2016 New merch available. Orders at or mass MOTIV 1 (Gasmask) cena : Triko = 300kč, Mikina = 800kč Velikosti : M, L, XL MOTIV 2 (Black Witchcraft) cena : Triko = 270kč, Mikina = 720kč Velikosti : M, L, XL a XXL

New bands confirmed for EHF 2016

01.02.2016 23:46
ARKONA-black metal from Poland. URT-pagan black metal from Estonia. AGHOR-death punk from Estonia,featuring members of legendary Loits !!

16.07.2016-Eternal Hate Fest no.14-Nýrsko/Neuern !!

02.10.2015 22:23

Report-EHF 2014.

02.08.2015 22:48
Reporty na proběhlý 13 ročník Eternal Hate Festu.Díky. Report on Eternal Hate Fest no.13.Thanks.  

Next Eternal Hate Fest-16.07.2016 vol.14 !!

02.08.2015 22:40
Další ročník EHF proběhne 16.07.2015. První kapely jsou již potvrzeny,včetně vhlavní kapely. Next year will be EHF held July 16, 2015. The first bands are already confirmed, including the main band.
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