
Ticket 2017 !!

04.07.2017 22:02
ACHTUNG !! There will be enough tickets at the doors,don´t worry. Ticket price at the door: 22 EUR. Ticket price include eko fee !! Camping and parking in the festival area is for FREE. The enter is possible pay in EU. In the area is better pay in Czech Crown(CZK).MONEY can be exchanged at the...

Running time 15.07.2017

28.06.2017 23:33


23.03.2017 22:03
Tickets für das ETERNAL HATE FEST 15 am 15.07.2017 im tschechischen Neuern gibt es in limitierte Form im Sturmglanz Store. Bitte beachtet die genaue Vorgehensweise!!!:

Vstupenky / Tickets Eternal Hate Fest 2017 !!

10.03.2017 13:59
Vstupné/Ticket price Vstupné 450 Kč.(v předprodeji)-limitovaná edice. Ticket price 18 EU.(in advance)-limited edition. 450 Kč od 10.03.2017-20.04.2017 500 Kč od 21.03.2017-01.07.2017 550 Kč na místě. Ticket price: 18 EUR from 10.03.2017-20.04.2017 20 EUR from 21.04.2017-01.07.2017 22 EUR at the...

Vstupenky / Tickets 2017

06.03.2017 22:29
Eternal Hate Fest-15.07.2017 Vstupenky / Tickets. 10.03.2017 bude zahájen prodej limitované edice vstupenek.Cena jedné vstupenky je 450 Kč.Objednávky posílejte na mail: Obratem vám budou zaslány údaje k platbě.Poštovné za doporučený dopis je 45 Kč. On 10 March 2017 will...


09.01.2017 19:28
15.07.2017-Eternal Hate Fest vol:15 BANDS- GRAVELAND (Poland) - Pagan/Black URN (Finland) - Black/Thrash SEKHMET (Czech Republic) BLAZE OF PERDITION...

Date for next EHF- 15.07.2017 !!!!

04.09.2016 19:11
Eternal Hate Fest vol.15. 15.07.2017 Nýrsko/Neuern Areál pod sjezdovkou.

Eternal Hate Fest 2016-Reports and fotos.

04.09.2016 19:04
Photo gallery on   Report on   Report on B.M.G.-Black Metal Germania   Report on...

Info about the festival !!

13.07.2016 21:49
Achtung! Info about the festival: Vstupné 430 Kč. Ticket price 17 EU. Ticket price include eko fee !! Ticket will be possible buy only at the door. Camping and parking in the festival area is for FREE. The enter is possible pay in EU. In the area is better pay in Czech Crown(CZK).MONEY can be...


26.06.2016 20:11
ACHTUNG !!! Limited edidion t-shirts Eternal Hate Fest 2016-only 66 pieces. Possibility preorder here or on my mail: The pickup it right at the entrance to the festival. Price 250 Kč / 10 EU Women's T-Shirt 300 Kč / 12 EU. Limitovaná edice triček pro Eternal Hate fest...
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