Eternal Hate Fest vol:21.
13.07.2024-Nýrsko / Neuern.
Presale: 40 EU / 950 Kč.
At the door: 45 EU / 1100 Kč.
Ticket price include eko fee !!
Camping and parking in the festival area is for FREE.
The enter is possible pay in EU.
In the area is better pay in Czech Crown(CZK).MONEY can be exchanged at the entrance.
Vstupenky-Bankovní převod-napište si o vstupenky na e-mail Obratem vám budou zaslány údaje k platbě.
Payment options-Bank transfer:Send your order on this mail I will contact you back with the payment details (bank accont details).
Vstupné/Ticket price
Ticket price:34 EUR (reservation
38 EUR at the door.
Ticket price include eko fee !!
Camping and parking in the festival area is for free.
The enter is possible pay in EU.
In the area is better pay in Czech Crown(CZK).Money can be exchanged at the entrance.
Exchange rate is 1 EU= 25CZK.
Vstupenky-Bankovní převod-napište si o vstupenky na e-mail Obratem vám budou zaslány údaje k platbě.
Payment options-Bank transfer:Send your order on this mail I will contact you back with the payment details (bank accont details).